Hello, I’m Nathalie.
I’m the founder of ReMind Wellbeing, a Master Practitioner of NLP Therapy, Time Line Therapy and Hypnotherapy. Welcome to my website!
The fundamental purpose of this wellbeing therapy is to ReMind you of who you truly are, beneath the layers of conditioning, life experiences, limiting beliefs and external influences you have gathered along the way. Your true and powerful nature is waiting for you, to recognise and embrace it once again.
It is now time to take the first step to transformation and become the best version of yourself!
My Approach
NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming
NLP Therapy ecologically and ethically recognises and utilises the language of the mind to consistently achieve specific and desired personal outcomes and goals. It is a form of communication that begets excellence. Language has the power to be perceived in such a way that change is made at the deeper subconscious level, by-passing the conscious mind.
Time Line Therapy
By identifying the root cause (on your time line), of a negative emotion or limiting belief and gaining insightful, positive learnings from that specific event, the subconscious is then able to disconnect from those negative emotions associated with those memories. This then releases repetitious negative emotional patterns and limiting beliefs that were once triggered from that initial past event.
Hypnotherapy is a credible, scientifically-based process for successfully creating positive change and modifying behaviour at the subconscious level.
What Clients are Saying
'After only a couple of sessions, I found the NLP assimilating into my everyday consciousness. Nathalie guided me through some major shifts in perception which have had positive and cascading effects.
With great respect and empathy, she held the reality that I presented and gently identified some troublesome thinking patterns. Through NLP and Time Line Therapy she engaged me, skilfully, at a different level so that I could identify for myself how I was perpetuating my own suffering.
By giving me a more resourceful perspective and frame of mind, I could see choices I never saw before, and Nathalie gave me the tools to help me access that resourceful state of mind anytime. She helped guide me through moments along my timeline I had not considered to have such profound influence on my life, to examine them, acknowledge them and carry only the useful parts into my future.
Nathalie helped me focus on my strengths and I always left sessions feeling invigorated, energised and positive.
An amazing woman with huge empathy and intuition, I cannot thank Nathalie enough for giving me control over my life with a far more positive and effective mindset.'
'I did three fascinating sessions with Nathalie that I found extremely useful. They helped me to see the difference between the behaviour of others and how I can choose to respond to that. Nathalie herself is brilliantly empathetic, sensitive and a very strong example of how good NLP Therapy could be for you.'
'I have really benefitted from my sessions with Nathalie. She was warm, caring, sensitive, professional and understanding. I highly recommend.'