I'd like to share with you a little glimpse of how and why this all began...

My journey of self discovery began at the age of 18, when I picked up a friend's book called Living Magically by Gill Edwards. It was absolutely fascinating. It opened up a whole new world of possibilities to my conditioned and mundane existence. It felt like a deep remembering had occurred, an awakening if you will. I was hooked and wanted to know more!

This helped to ReMind me of who we truly are and the possibilities of who we can be through thoughts and intentions and to awaken the power we all possess inside to purposely create the lives we truly deserve and desire.

From that moment on, my perception of life changed. I felt empowered, I felt excited and I felt ready to explore these concepts deeper. However, It was one thing reading about them and another thing putting them into practice. The external conditioning of my childhood, from my parents, siblings, family, friends, teachers, television programs, radio, the media, music (song lyrics) etc... meant I had much 'unpicking' to do. Deep within my subconscious were many limiting beliefs and negative, fear-based concepts, which were dutifully playing themselves out in my life.

Fear of being alone, low self esteem, low self worth, self doubt, toxic relationships, playing the victim and the inherent need for some knight in shining armour to come and rescue me out of my life were a few of the negative concepts at play.

Through fearing being on my own, I was attracting toxic relationships, my self esteem at rock bottom. I went through two major relationship break-ups and brought three children up alone. I was engulfed with heart-break, aloneness, desperation, self doubt, the constant need for approval and validation and feelings of not being good enough or worthy of abundance. Having tried various forms of counselling over the years, I sought a different approach in the form of NLP Therapy. Ten sessions later and I was blown away with the sheer power and speed at which I was able to identify the root cause and transform my 'dustbin of life' that I had been carrying around with me since childhood. Clearing out the toxic, negative emotions and limiting beliefs I had been holding on to all those years. I discovered a new sense of clarity and inner strength. The therapy armed me with tools for life. It drew on all that I had been learning since I first picked up that book at the age of 18! It was then that I knew I wanted to share these powerful, quantum healing techniques and methodologies with as many people as possible which lead me to the birth of ReMind Wellbeing.

From birth, we grow up surrounded by external conditioning. Preconceived concepts, religions, rules and a huge range of beliefs are thrust upon us. That book opened the door to an alternative way to navigate life. It reminded me that I am the powerful creator of my life. New and empowering concepts were being revealed. It told of how we are at cause for all aspects of our lives, rather than at the effect of our surroundings. Through our thoughts and beliefs we shape our lives accordingly, for better or for worse. Imagine that!

We live by design, our own design, so let's do it on purpose. Let's make it count and make it the life we have always dreamed of having. Make a choice to step into your true Sovereignty now. That's a wonderful thing, is it not?