My Approach
My aim is to always create a safe haven for your positive personal transformation and self empowerment.
In my capacity as a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming, my aim is to facilitate you on your journey of self discovery and personal development, arming you with new skills and a mindset for success and inner peace.
This form of therapy can effect great and rapid change at a subconscious level, enabling new patterns of behaviour and a renewed positive mental attitude towards the myriad challenges of daily life.
Based on your needs, we will use a combination of the techniques below:
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Neuro (Neurological)
This refers to the mind or nervous system, through which our experience of the world around us is processed. Behaviour stems from our neurological processes of sight, sound/hearing, smell, taste, touch and feelings. We experience the world (our reality) through our five senses. We make 'sense' of the information and then act on it. So our invisible thought processes are reflected by our visible physiological reactions (body language) to ideas and events. The mind and body form an inseparable unity.
We use language (our words) and other non verbal communication to order our thoughts and behaviours and to communicate with others.
Discovering and utilizing the way we organise our ideas and actions in order to produce results.
So NLP Therapy ecologically and ethically recognises and utilises the language of the mind to consistently achieve specific and desired personal outcomes and goals. It is a form of communication that begets excellence. Language has the power to be perceived in such a way that change is made at the deeper subconscious level, by-passing the conscious mind.
NB: It must be pointed out that we are subjected to subliminal programming on a daily basis through radio, television, newspapers, social media, and even the lyrics of songs! This can be largely to our detriment when used unethically. Such as for self gain, government and corporate agendas and profiteering.
Here at ReMind Wellbeing, NLP Therapy is a powerful process utilised and embraced for your highest good, yielding positive, transformative and healing change.
Time Line Therapy
Time Line Therapy is a rapid and effective hypnotic technique using a practical, guided application. This powerful technique works at a subconscious level to release the resultant negative emotional effects of past experiences.
It changes 'inappropriate' programming or conditioning in a matter of minutes, rather than days, months or even years of conventional therapy!
The subconscious mind stores memories in a linear pattern, like a time line. This time line is like a mental photo album of our life events.
Limiting beliefs such as 'I'm not good enough', 'I am not worthy', 'I never have enough money', 'I need to be loved' and so on, all started out somewhere in our lives and can be found on our time line. Just like the very first time we experienced anger, sadness, fear etc.
By identifying the root cause (on the time line), of a negative emotion or limiting belief and gaining insightful, positive learnings from that specific event, the subconscious is then able to disconnect from those negative emotions associated with those memories. This then releases repetitious negative emotional patterns and limiting beliefs that were once triggered from that initial past event.
'Time Line Therapy Techniques are a giant leap forward for the psychological community. By quickly getting to the heart of one's issues, this work significantly cuts down long-term Psychotherapy'
Dr. Joe Korach, Psy.D. Calumet College
The general consensus is that we each have a conscious and a subconscious mind. It is often very challenging to make conscious changes in attitudes, beliefs and habits. For effective and long term change to occur it must be at the subconscious level.
The subconscious mind is responsible for carrying out many functions, such as breathing, digestion, memory storage and organisation, holding emotions, maintaining instincts and generating habits.
It is the source of intelligence for the whole body.
Hypnotherapy is a credible, scientifically-based process for successfully creating positive change and modifying behaviour at the subconscious level.